Thursday 11 August 2016

Noob Reviews: X-Files (Season 1)

Hey, do you like procedural crime dramas? Maybe some of those paranormal myth busting programmes? What if somebody combined the two?

X-files plays out a bit like a backwards Jonathan Creek, after much investigation it's discovered that there isn't a clever explanation at all and it is in fact a monster/alien/government conspiracy. It's almost like someone had been watching Gravity Falls, travelled back in time 20ish years and created a more grown up version.

The first series is getting dated, even more than some niche staffers (BURN!), horror elements and special effects don't have the impact I expect they had first time round. On the plus side Molder and Scully are younger and somehow still crush worthy despite the best efforts of 90's fashion. Their relationship and the growing alien mystery keep things moving even through some of the weaker "monster of the week" type episodes.

Recommended for watchin' with no lights on, while dans la maison...

...And I did not know that song referenced Sailor Moon, apparently it's got the boom anime babes....

(Awkward pause as I realise half our readers only know Barenaked Ladies because of The Big Bang Theory)

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