Wednesday 17 August 2016

No Man's Sky X Space Dandy: Cold and Alone, Baby!

 For those not familiar with Space Dandy the anime was reviewed back in Issue 7 of Niche: Treat Your Geek and both seasons are available on Netflix. Anyhoo, Dandy is the perfect guest writer to bring you misadventures in No Man's Sky, the space exploration game from Hello Games.

Stories from No Man's Sky featuring Space Dandy: he's a dandy guy, in space. He combs the galaxy, like his pompadour, on the hunt for aliens. Planet after planet he searches, discovering bizarre new creatures, both friendly and not. These are the spectacular adventures of Space Dandy and (without) his brave space crew... in space.

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Huh?... wha?... well this is... inconvenient. Must have been some night, wakin' up on this cold, frozen planet. No sign of QT or that free-loading cat... it's quiet but I'm missin' a ship, this rust bucket certainly ain't the Aloha Oe. I've been through worse, sure, but there better be a BooBies on this planet, baby!

Some blob said it would help if I followed the way of Atlas, but the only way is the Dandy way baby and man this planet is crawlin' with unregistered aliens, I can upload 'em for credits, no registration centre needed, scanner's damn better than that ol' bucket of bolts too.

There's a butt load of plants and shiny rocks here, luckily I was once a master survivalist AND a leading starship engineer before becoming an alien hunter, there should be enough here to survive and get that ship running. After single handedly taking care of some particularly aggressive looking rocks and trees, I had what I needed to blow this joint!

Found a freakin' space station in orbit, somethin' oddly familiar, can't shake a feelin' I'm about to get electroshocked by some yellow mouse. Kudos on the giant orb though.

Some dude on the station told me of a way to get the hyperdrive up n'runnin', just as I was considering the impact this tech could have on my hairline an emergency signal came through. Finally, signs of potentially hot life, it has to be a babe in distress, they all want Dandy baby!

Heroically blastin' back into atmo, I headed for the callin' beauty in my... dude, this isn't the ship I came in on!? Must have picked up a new one, no worries, booty awaits!

Well, this is a disappointing outpost, definitely not BooBies. 
I dashingly announce myself “Dandy is here, baby!”. 

Gah!... no babes! … no booty!... some severe looking guy, calls himself Lt Tug, didn't ask how he got that name. Anyways, now Dandy has the final piece of the hyperdrive puzzle, baby! BooBies here I come!

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We're expecting future updates from Dandy in the future (duh)! Feel free to share your No Man's Sky exploits and failures below!

As this Dandy travels the cosmos you might see his discoveries within the game, follow him on PS4 as Real_Space_Dandy and while you're there, check out the Niche: Treat Your Geek PS4 Community (search for us under the community tab of the PS4 menu).

Please note Space Dandy and No Man's Sky are properties of their respective owners and not owned by Niche. Article intended for entertainment purposes only.

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